Team Germany 
Entstehung und GeschichteIMCA ReglementPAWC ReglementFotosBisherige Teams und ErfolgeTeam Germany 2009Kontaktieren Sie unsAustragungsort

PAWC Reglement



  1. In all documents and match information the official name to be used shall be: ParAgility World Cup, abbreviated PAWC.
  2. The PAWC will be organised together the International Mix & Breed Championship Agility ( IMCA).
  3. Any country wishing to organize the PAWC must agree to use the Regulations PAWC  as accepted by  International Organization team IMCA & PAWC.
  4. The floor of the accomondation where the IMCA & PAWC will be organised have to be efficient for the competitors PAWC.
  5. During the IMCA & PAWC  matches, a portion of the sports grounds accessible for wheelchairs will be reserved for the PAWC competitors, their dogs and their coach/ companion.
  6. There will be wheelchair accessible toilets on or adjacent to the sports grounds where the matches take place.
  7. There must be enough wheelchair accessible hotel rooms for the wheelchair dependent competitors in the PAWC.
  8. The International Organization Team IMCA & PAWC will evaluate the Regulations PAWC  after each match and revise as necessary.
  9. Susan Rekveld from the Netherlands will be the contactperson for the PAWC in the International Organization Team IMCA & PAWC. 


  1. The entry fee for PAWC competitors individual will be the same as the entry fee for IMCA individual competitors.
  2. The winners of the Total Result of the year preceding,  have dispensation for the entry fee.
  3. One entry entitles the competitor PAWC participation in all  three runs designated for the PAWC.
  4. PAWC accepts entries from individuals with any physical mobility impairment (limitation), and mental limitation (not strong). Competitors with a mental limination can only entry with accompaniment during the Event and by consultation the contactperson PAWC.
  5. Entries will be accepted for small, medium and large dogs.
    Veteran dogs (7 year or older) can take part one category lower.
    A dog must be at least 18 months of age to be eligible for competition.
    However the size of the dog will not determine the category for competition.
    The size of the dog will only determine the jump height of the obstacles.
    The Competition Category will be determined by the handler’s disability (see Competition Categories: groups).
  6. Competitors with a physical (mobility) or mental impairment have to send a medical certificate, translated to English  to the organizing country.
    A medical certificate explaining the nature of the competitor’s disability, the competitor need for adaptive mobility equipment, and the nature of that equipment, signed by the competitor’s physician.
    When it isn’t possible to translate this medical certificate to English, it’s allowed to translate into English by the teamleader or coach of the PAWC competitor.
    The original medical certificate, and when available the English explain of the teamleader/ coach, have to be send to the organizing country at the latest on the closing-date of entry the championship starts. When the medical certificate not arrive on time, it isn’t possible to start.
    The organizing country will send this medical certificate, and when available the  English explain of the teamleader/ coach, to the contactperson PAWC.
    She/he will make  inquiry about the disability by physician and consult  him which group of disability the competitor will take part. She/he will give this advice to theorganizing country.  
    Contactperson PAWC  will also control and hold in trust this medical certificates for the International Organization Team IMCA & PAWC.
    When there’s a new contactperson PAWC in the International Organization
    Team IMCA & PAWC , she/ he  will hand over all the medical certificates.    
  7. The Organizing country must have at least one person in the Organization with a background in medicine or rehabilitation.  
  8. The Competition Category, as stated on the entry form, will be verified by the contactperson PAWC.
    If the medical certificate alone does not clearly determine the Competiton Category, the competitor will be classified by the contactperson  PAWC after the training session and when it’s necessary after the first official course to run of the PAWC-competiton.
  9. There shall be no limit to the number of PAWC entries from any one country.
     Any individual is free to enter and bring their own coach/companion.
  10. Breed and Mixbreed (with or without pedigree) dogs will be accepted.
  11. Dogs have to control all the obstacles.
  12. Bitches in heat are allowed to compete when they are announced to the organisation of the event. They have to be separated from the other competing dogs and run last in the competiton of their category. They can take part on the training when they are wearing a special dog-trousers. When they are not they can train the end of the day with no sit still on the contact-obstacles and between the obstacles  and using the special carpet by the start.



Group 1: competitors using battery-powered vehicle
(like electric wheelchair, scooter…)
Group 2: competitors using manually powered vehicle
(manual wheelchair)
Group 3: competitors who have a limitation concerning walking, can move passable (reasonably) fast may use assistive devices (like canes, braces)
Group 4: competitors who have a strong limitation concerning walking, can move passable (reasonably) slow may use assistive devices (canes, braces)
Group 5: competitors who have a very strong limitation concerning walking, can move very slow  may use assistive devices (canes, braces)
Group 6: competitors with not any limitation concerning walking (like vision, hearing, paralyzed arm)
Group 7: competitors with a disability mental

  1. In consultation with the contactperson PAWC it can be allowed for a PAWC-competitor to take with her/him a companion during the match-courses and training of the PAWC.
  2. In consultation with the contactperson PAWC the competitors of two different groups of disability can be  add together, when there are less then 3 entries in one group for the competiton.
    The results of all competitors will be calculated  by the Standard Course Time of his/her group of disability, also when groups are add together.


  1. The course shall be designed using classification level 2 (middle level), based  on three levels (starters, advanced, and high) as in the according to international agility regulations.
  2. PAWC courses will have minimum of 16 and a maximum of 18 obstacles.
  3. Maximum length of course  150 meters.
  4. The judges have to plan such a courses witch are efficient for all groups of disability.
    There shall be enough room between the obstacles for a wheelchair/assistive devices to pass easily without hitting the obstacles.
  5. The height of the jumps: 

  large   55 cm -  65 cm
  medium   35 cm  - 45 cm
  small 25 cm  - 35 cm
Veteran dogs:  large   35 cm  - 45 cm
  medium 25 cm  - 35 cm
  small   15 cm  -  25 cm


  1. There will be an opportunity for all PAWC competitors to train together the IMCA team of their country.
  2. The PAWC competitors will run two standard agility courses, and one jumpers course. Each day PAWC competitors will run one course,  spread over the   three match days.
  3. The PAWC courses will be judged by the judges chosen for the IMCA.
  4. Competitors PAWC  will  scout the courses  in two groups: one group competitors using wheelchair or other assistive devices other group competitors without  using any assistive devices.
    When the number of competitors is little, the judge can decide to make one group.
    Each competitor can take with her/him one coach/ trainer by scouting the courses. Also when necessary one companion to move.
  5. Faults will be calculated under  F.C.I.-  rules.
  6. MAXIMUM Standard Course Time ( STP) as a final decision of the judge:
    agility course 
    Group 1 - 3 2.50 meter / second  3.00 meter / second
    Group 2 - 4 - 7  2.00 meter / second  2.50 meter / second
    Group 5 1.00 meter / second  1.50 meter / second
    Group 6  2.75 meter / second 3.75 meter / second
  7. aximum Course Time : no limit.
  8. Disqualification gives 250 points of faults.
  9. Not taking part one of the courses gives 500 points of faults.
  10. By special request of the PAWC competitor, the results of each course, and individual final results will be written and signed by the judge in the “agility-registration-book” of the dog. This book can be obtained by the veterinarian check/out of registration .
  11. By consultation the concerning judge, a “white dog “can be set in.
  12. The organizing country and contactperson PAWC  have to inform the judges about the actual rules of PAWC in time before the competition starts.
  13. When the judges  want to use adaptations on the FCI Rules for competiton PAWC they have to publish on the teamleaders-meeting before of the
    Competiton starts.


  1. Prizes will be awarded to each group based on the results of each individual course. The First, Second and Third placements for each standard and jumpers run in each group will be recognized. If a competitor is disqualified they will receive no prizes in any category.  These prizes can be smaller then the prizes for the total-results in PAWC.
  2. The World Champion in each group will be determined by adding the results of all courses. Three placements for each Group within Competition Categories, to be First, Second, and Third, shall be recognized ( maximum one disqualification for total-results).
  3. On all prizes  (cup or medallion) must be listed the placement, PAWC, the year of competition, the concerning course and group of disability.
  4. The organising country can decide to give all PAWC competitors a memory participation the PAWC, mention the year of competiton and place.

    First edition redacted by Susan Rekveld : 23-12-2003
    Last addition/ correction date: 22-01-2009

    Accepted by the members of 
    the International Organization Team IMCA & PAWC :

    Alt, Sandor (Hungary)
    Diest, Pieter van (the Netherlands)
    Lopez Jongejans  Rafael Jose (Spain)
    Rekveld, Susan (the Netherlands) Contactperson PAWC
    Tóth, Arpád (Hungary)
    Anna Imelde Galletti (Italy)

Entstehung und GeschichteIMCA ReglementPAWC ReglementFotosBisherige Teams und ErfolgeTeam Germany 2009Kontaktieren Sie unsAustragungsort